The Branch of Aeroflot JSC in St. Peterburg expresses its gratitude to Aeromar – St. Petersburg branch for our long-lasting cooperation, high-quality performance of its contractual obligations, expedience, excellent service and care in supplying in-flight meals for Aeroflot flights. p>
May your business be successful, and may our companies continue their prosperous cooperation. p>
V.M. Naletenko
Branch Director

Dear Mr.Mysin,
On behalf of ANA, please accept my sincerest appreciation for your cooperation and support which took part on our Government special VIP flight from St. Petersburg's on 5th of September, 2013.
I also would like to express our special thanks to your team members which have done a great job for our start up.
Again, thank you for your efforts and my best wishes for continued relationship between AeroMar and ANA.
Sincerely yours, Akihiro Nagashima
Akihiro Nagashima